Crystal Cole
Title: Project Leader, Students for Higher; Registered Behavioral Technician
Normal Work Location: Children’s Services
Years of employment: 4
What motivated you to volunteer to work in HMEA’s new isolation center?
I like to help and the proper PPE was being provided. This also seemed like the right thing to do. Always be on the right side of history!
How have you had to adapt your approach to your job, in response to the COVID-19 crisis?
Yes, I am doing a completely different job than I am used to. I work with children, but I am working with adults [now]. Everything is different; so is my approach.
Has the COVID-19 crisis changed your personal outlook or thinking? If so, how?
I realize now that laundry is not done because I hate it, not because I am “too busy.” Personal hobbies are important for socially distancing oneself.
What are some activities in your daily routine that COVID-19 has taken away, that you miss the most and can’t wait to do again, once this period of social distancing is over?
Seeing the kids, seeing my supervisors, eating out, Starbucks, and going places with friends and hugging said friends.
What is something positive that has come out of this crisis?
I have met and been able to work with amazing, dedicated staff from all over HMEA. I got to meet some really cool individuals. I have always wondered what taking care of sick people would be like, so I got to experience that. This has also been an expansion on by BCBA studies (working with plans and behaviors I am unfamiliar [with] and without modeled training).